Thursday, January 22, 2009

Holiday Maker

Mmmmm now am almost 4 months, as a working holiday maker..even some peoples said am insane or crazy because just gave up my good life in Malaysia and go to UK for holiday and try to do any kind of job likes waitress, sales promoter or nanny or bla bla bla. Sold my car.. quick a job as a Business Analyst which I earn salary really a lots.. but I don't care, I just want an experienced before I ve a commitment (have my own happy family...he he he)

I had been tour to Scotland, Brussel, Luxemburg, Holland, Germany and France. Than a took a tour in London and some part outside west england.

Now , my turn to work, job hunting with a visa that am holding "Holiday Maker Visa" which allow me to holiday and work in UK for 2 years. A bit difficult for me to find a job now, as now economy not so good (credit crunch),, but I cant give up as I need to earn some money to pay my livin cost in London and pay my debt in Kuala Lumpur.

On last dec 2008, i had been working for a few weeks in cafe as a waitress but cant stay longer as they need me to work from 11am till 12am ... I can do it but I cant stand with the weather, really cold for me.. as I coming from country which have summer for 12 months :P.

For right now ,,, am still on job hunting, hopefully I will get something soon... and I believe there are something for me outside there. GO GO